Selected Lyrics
Till Victory
Raise the sky, we got to fly
Over the land over the sea
Fate unwinds and if we die souls arise
God, do not seize me please – till victory
Take arm. Take aim. Be without shame
No one to bow to. To vow to. To blame
Space Monkey
Blood on the TV ten o’clock news.
Souls are invaded heart in a groove
Beating and beating so out of time
Ghost Dance
One foot extended snake to the ground
Wake up the earth worm turn around
We shall live again we shall live again
Shake out the ghost dance
… over the skin of silk are scars from the splinters of stations and walls i’ve caressed.
… i’m lying peacefully and my knees are open to the sun. i desire him, and he is absolutely ready to seize me. in heart i am a moslem. in heart i’m an american artist and i have no guilt. i seek pleasure. i seek the nerves under your skin. the narrow archway; the layers; the scroll of ancient lettuce. we worship the flaw, the belly, the belly, the mole on the belly of an exquisite whore. he spared the child and spoiled the rod. i have not sold myself to god.
Rock n Roll Nigger
Do you like the world around you
Are you ready to behave
Outside of society they’re waiting for me
Outside of society that’s where I want to be
Those who have suffered understand suffering
And thereby extend their hand
The storm that brings harm
Also makes fertile blessed is the grass
And herb and the true thorn
Jimi Hendrix was a nigger
Jesus Christ and grandma too
Jackson Pollock was a nigger
We Three
It was just another Sunday and everything was in the key of A
Every night on separate stars before we go to sleep we pray.
Love is a vampire, energy undead